While I managed to compile a DLL for Doom 3 and ROE they were much larger than the vanilla DLLs that come with the game. I can get Game-D3XP to compile if I replace the script_compiler.cpp with the one from Game and it seems to work fine. Game-D3XP fails due to a problem with the script_compiler.cpp with it complaining about constant char as well. DoomDLL fails however with errors about Win_input.cpp with errors about things being in a constat and identifiers.
MayaImport doesn't matter as the issue for it seems to be that I don't have Maya to begin with and I'm assuming isn't needed for me to compile anyways. I've been following this guide in order to compile the Doom 3 source code but I get issues with DoomDLL, MayaImport, and Game-D3XP. Thing is though I keep running into issues with errors in Visual Studio and I'm not exactly sure on how to solve them.
So I've been trying to compile the Doom 3 source code to make some edits to some game mechanics in Resurrection of Evil. I know this forum is for The Dark Mod but this seems to be the only place with an active technical side to Id Tech 4 so I'm kinda not sure where else to look.